Accommodations and Modifications

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Objective: To distinguish between accommodations and modifications and to describe simple adaptations to learning materials

Accommodations for Students with Visual Impairments

Presentation Response Environmental Timing
and Scheduling
Nemeth braille code for mathematics
Large print
Prescription glasses or contact lenses
Reading glasses
Magnification devices
Tactile graphics, including maps
Audio recordings
Recorded books
Image description
Video description
Verbalizing as teacher writes on chalkboard or demonstrates to all students
Screen readers
“Talking” devices, such as calculators, clocks, watches, timers
Text to speech
Yellow acetate to increase contrast in print materials
Notes, outlines, instructions provided in braille or large print
Cubarithm slate
Specialized tactile instructional aids
Mobile phones
Highlighted text
Beep balls
Bold-lined paper
Page markers, or reading windows
Refreshable braille displays
Braille, using slate and stylus, braillewriter, electronic notetaker, etc.
Typewriter or word processor
Speech to text
Personal note taker
Recording device
#1 pencils
Felt-tip pens
Mobile phones
Bold-lined paper
Refreshable braille displays
Raised line paper
Templates and writing guides
Augmentative or alternative communication devices
Reduce distractions
Lighting, overhead or desktop lamps
Storage space for equipment
Preferential seating
Window shades to reduce glare
Keep aisles clear and cabinet doors closed
Painted lines on stairs or at doorways to increase visibility
Tactile cues on stairs or at doorways
Long canes
GPS devices, including mobile phones
Electronic travel devices
Extended time for reading, doing assignments, taking tests
Breaks, to reduce fatigue
Scheduling changes to reduce fatigue