Higher Education Programme – Update

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ICEVI – The Nippon Foundation Higher Education Project

Objective and Rationale

The Higher Education project supported by The Nippon Foundation commenced in Indonesia in 2007. Based on the positive outcomes of the evaluation, the project was extended to the Philippines and Vietnam in 2008, Cambodia in 2010, Myanmar in 2013 (until 2020), Laos in 2014 and Mongolia in 2017. The country specific strengths and characteristics are taken into account in implementing the program that ensures long-term sustainability.

The unique aspect of the project is that the local expertise is used to the maximum extent in designing as well as in the implementation of the project that assures ownership of the activities. Another feature of the project is the networking that has been created within the region to exchange expertise and to share knowledge so project partners can optimise the learning resources. Another uniqueness of the project is that it is developing indigenous strategies for smooth transition from higher education to employment opportunities.

How does it improve upon current models or processes?

The higher education project is addressing the entire spectrum of education of persons with visual impairment. On the one hand the students should have adequate knowledge of curriculum areas in the primary and secondary education to succeed in higher education and therefore the project is trying to strengthen curriculum and teaching methods at the school level by conducting capacity building programmes for teachers, improving teaching methodologies, particularly in the area of mathematics. At the other end the project is also looking at employment as a key avenue for the empowerment of persons with visual impairment. Unlike most other current models which focus on one specific area – either education or learning materials or employment etc., the higher education project is covering the entire spectrum of educational services for persons with visual impairment, which is making it different from the existing models of service delivery.

The project in Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam are currently focusing on employment whereas other countries are gradually making transition from education to employment leading to the empowerment of persons with visual impairment. The current phase of the project (2021-23) is focusing on three long term objectives: 1) To work on employer and employment focused activities, 2) To prepare visually impaired persons for successful employment, and 3) To advocate for proactive legislations and measures promoting empowerment.

Ingredients of Project implementation

The project activities are broadly classified under 12 major categories, namely 1) Arranging Equipment for student use, 2) Establishment of Resource Centres, 3) Preparation of Teaching-Learning Materials, 4) General training activities for students and staff, 5) Soft skills training, 6) Orientation programme for employers, 7) Employment skills development for visually impaired persons, 8) Activities influencing legislation, 9) Networking activities with government bodies, 10) Country champions program, 11) Documentation of case studies and preparing videos, and 12) Training in teaching mathematics. Each of the seven implementing countries are focusing on specific activities out of the 12 categories as per their needs as well as the expertise available. The activities are also staggered throughout the calendar year. In terms of technical expertise, exchanges between the implementing countries are being facilitated.

Cumulative Data on Enrolment

The higher education project has so far assisted 2896 students with visual impairment to pursue higher education in the partner countries. The detailed enrolment data since the inception of the project in 2006 is given in the table below:

Country 2006 – 2007 2006 – 2011 2006 – 2014 2006 – 2015 2006 – 2016 2006 – 2017 2006 – Dec 2017 2006 – 2018 2006 – 2019 2006 – 2020 2006 – 2021 Additions in 2022 2006 – 2022 Additions in 2023 2006 – 2023
Indonesia 250 385 480 609 631 637 644 660 678 678 729 25 754 32 786
Vietnam 28 354 470 563 630 689 736 757 799 841 871 41 912 50 962
Philippines 32 460 489 671 710 726 732 751 769 793 828 22 850 27 877
Cambodia 04 14 22 52 83 91 91 105 127 135 157 39 196 8 204
Myanmar 29 54 69 88 88 114 114 122 122 122 0 122
Laos 07 16 19 25 25 33 33 33 36 36 0 36
Mongolia 08 14 16 20 23 3 26 3 29
Students Enrolled 314 1213 1497 1965 2142 2256 2324 2434 2536 2622 2766 130 2896 3 3016

Cumulative Data on Employment

The recent years have seen the focus of the projects shifting towards soft skill development and employment creation for the graduates of the higher education programs. During the year 2021–2022, the higher education project partners, particularly those from Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia, facilitated employment for 49 additional graduates.

The cumulative data on employment since 2016 is presented in the table below:

Country 2015 – 2016 2015 – 2017 2015– Apr-Dec 2017 2015 – 2018 2015 – 2019 2015 – 2020 2015 – 2021 Additions in 2022 2015 – 2022 2015 – 2023
Indonesia 39 39 39 48 49 48 59 14 73 92
Vietnam 27 54 78 91 101 109 128 15 143 166
Philippines 13 25 36 54 71 83 94 15 109 117
Cambodia 38 74 76 90 94 95 110 110 149
Myanmar 10 11 11 11 11 11 11
Laos 3 3 5
Mongolia 2 7 5 12 16
Persons Employed 117 192 239 296 326 346 412 49 461 556

With the focus on employment gaining momentum, it is believed that the higher education project partners will gradually create more opportunities for persons with visual impairment to secure employment in the years ahead.