Participating Countries of the Campaign
Though achieving education for all children with visual impairment is the overall objective of the campaign, it is implemented in a phased manner through the participating countries recommended by the Global Task Force on the basis of the following criteria.
Criteria for selecting countries
- Presence of a functioning organisation(s) of the blind
- Programmes for EFA already in place
- Availability of facilities for human resource development (such as teacher training)
- Evidence of Government’s commitment to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals
- NGDOs actively working in the country in the area of education (local and International NGOs)
- Existing capacity to support the education of children with visual impairment (such as Braille production centres)
- Focus on inclusive education in respect to Poverty Reduction Strategy Programmes
- Countries which are active in implementing Blindness Prevention Programmes (such as the Vision 2020 programme)
- Countries which have the potential to make impact on other countries within the region
- Formation of National Task Forces with representation from the Government
Participating Countries:
- Bolivia
- Burkina Faso
- Cambodia
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Ethiopia
- Fiji
- Ghana
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- India
- Kenya
- Malawi
- Mali
- Mozambique
- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- Palestine
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Rwanda
- The Dominican Republic
- Uganda
- Vietnam
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