Training Videos

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Training videos for professionals and parents supporting students with blindness, low vision, deafblindness, and multiple disability

NextSense (formerly RIDBC Renwick Centre, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children), Australia

Blindness and low vision (webinar series) – Presenter: Dr Sue Silveira

Development of vision (webinar) – Presenter: Dr Sue Silveira

Webinar topics include preterm eye and vision development, the eye at birth, key stages of visual development, atypical visual development, and impact of vision impairment on general development –

Eye conditions (webinar series) – Presenter: Dr Sue Silveira

Inclusive strategies

Improving outcomes for students with blindness and low vision (full day workshop)

Literacy development (webinar series) – Presenter: Dr Frances Gentle

Accessible information (webinar series)

Orientation and mobility (O&M) – Presenter: Dr Bronwen Scott

Post-school transition to higher education and employment (webinar series) – Presenter: Dr Karen Wolffe

  • Topic 1 What is it young people want to do with their lives after high school? Freedom from parental supervision, engagement with others socially, achieving self-sufficiency a reason for their existence!
  • Topic 2 Considerations for voluntary or paid employment while still in high school and university –
  • Topic 3 Preparation for university or other vocational training –
  • Topic 4 What are realistic employment options for students with visual impairments post-high school if they don’t want to go to participate in postsecondary training/education?
  • Topic 5 Considerations for life: Where to live, with whom to live, what to do with leisure time, how to handle transportation in urban, suburban, and rural areas to work, to training opportunities, to social/athletic activities, to medical appointments, to shop, etc. –
  • Topic 6 How to maintain employment and live happily ever after…examples from real life –

VISIO International