Who We Are

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Who We Are?

  • ICEVI is a non-profit and non-governmental membership network.
  • ICEVI has membership organizations at the global level and within its seven regions.
  • Membership is open to any organization and individual that subscribes to the Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategy of ICEVI.
  • In general, each member organization has its own legal entity status and control over its own operations.
  • The motives for ICEVI members to connect and collaborate with each other on local, regional and international levels are to combine their energy and share ideas, knowledge, and resources.


We believe that all children and young people with visual impairment and their families have the right to:

  • Equitable access and participation in the full range of educational services and programs on the basis of equal opportunity;
  • Receive early intervention and early childhood care and development services, and pre-primary education;
  • Support by teachers and other professionals who possess knowledge and skills in education of children and young people with visual impairment;
  • Educational materials, teaching methods, technology, assistive devices and programs that are of a high standard, conform to best practices, and address each child’s learning needs; and
  • Live in communities that are free of barriers and discrimination, where all people are valued and lead productive lives, in accordance with their personal aspirations and capabilities.


In recognition of the continuing global challenges in achieving access to quality education for the millions of out-of-school children with blindness and partial sight, the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) is a membership organization with a mission to promote access to inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all people with visual impairment.


In order to ensure that ICEVI is acting prudently, ethically and legally in achieving its mission, ICEVI has formulated the core values of: accountability, transparency, responsiveness, rule of law, stability, equity and inclusiveness, empowerment and broad-based participation.


In order to achieve its mission, ICEVI Executive Board (EXBO) members come together at the start of each Quadrennium to formulate the strategic goals on the basis of consensus and collaboration.


Icevi organization



  • History Book ICEVI(PDF)